I had written and recorded the soundtrack for “I am the Candidate” long before the election of 2016. On election night the narrative so obviously presented itself I felt compelled to make the video. I began writing the video that night and worked part-time on sequencing it to the soundtrack for about six weeks to get it and myself ready, as I had never done any video, I was concerned I would make a fool of myself and waste everybody’s time.
On a Tuesday I took the soundtrack to a local film studio and spoke to the owner George Ohan and discussed the idea. He became very excited which in turn got me very excited. We decided to film it that Sunday. I came in early and built the sets while the rest of the crew showed up around 11 am. Then we filmed all day, finishing around 7pm.
I don’t think I’ve had more fun in my life. It was work though and not play and the quality of the work that I got from everyone from the director on down shows in the video. That’s why it turned out the way it did. I would especially like to thank George Ohan of the Fulton Film Company, (director) Dave Marshall (cinematography) and Luthor Riddle/Riddle Studios (editing) and I am grateful to all the crew for their commitment to the outcome.
Joseph Eual Messer/ I am the Candidate
George Ohan Director
Joseph Eual Messer Director
Joseph Messer Writer
Joseph Messer Producer
Joseph Eual (Messer) Key Cast "The Candidate"
Project Type: Music Video
Genres: political satire
Runtime: 2 minutes 54 seconds
Completion Date: January 27, 2017
Production Budget: 1,500 USD
Country of Origin: United States
Country of Filming: United States
Language: English
Shooting Format: digital
Aspect Ratio: 16:9